We want to thank you for your support and trust you’ve placed in our game. Thanks to you, our game has reached the 2nd spot in the racing game sales ranking in Japan for Playstation 5! This is an incredible and immensely valuable achievement for us.
It’s because of you that we realize our dreams and push the boundaries of what seemed impossible. You are the best gaming community in the world for us, and we promise to never stop striving for excellence in our work.
私たちは、私たちのゲームへのご支援と信頼に感謝したいと思います。おかげさまで、私たちのゲームはPlaystation 5の日本のレーシングゲーム販売ランキングで2位に達しました!これは私たちにとって信じられないほどの大きな達成です。